Let’s go for a walk through of Therapy options…
Tranquility Through Therapy offers three different treatment plan options;
Tranquility Through Therapy
Tranquility Mind+Body
Tranquility Plus
Click photos below for more information
Tranquility Through Therapy
This plan involves in-person or online therapy structured to match your needs, struggles, and goals. People who are looking for talk-focused, conventional in office therapy that uses specific therapy modalities and prioritizes emotional and mental health.
Tranquility Mind + Body
This plan utilizes physical movement such as yoga, walking and talk therapy, physical fitness, and behavioral activation activities to provide a person with symptom relief through physical movement. These sessions take place out of office and are unique to individual needs and abilities
Tranquility Plus
This plan combines both Tranquility Through Therapy and Tranquility Mind + Body sessions to provide clients with a comprehensive mental, physical and emotional well-being plan. This plan includes weekly therapy sessions (Mind), as well as weekly physical movement (Body) sessions.